5 Dicembre 2023
35 anni | Girl | Torino | Torino
ID annuncio: 9457014

Veronica Russa

He said:
“Today I want to live the day with the maximum pleasure program. Tomorrow my wife is returning from a mini vacation, so this day will be full of the most pleasant moments - I have started this morning in the company of a beautiful woman and then continue the day in the best restaurant with incredibly delicious fish. If you like you can come with me, BUT.....we have to act like we don't know each other. Because there are many of my acquaintances in this place.”
To be honest, I have never received such an unusual invitation to a restaurant. I frozed for a moment, trying to understand and imagine this scenario. I even put his cock aside to concentrate better on this picture.
Imagination stirred and began to reproduce the pictures - how we approached the restaurant together, but entered it separately. He sat at one table, and I at a separate one. Than we ordered various goodies and maybe some wine and had a short cheers while look to each other as spy as possible . Perhaps our dialogue would be in the form of SMS under the table, or maybe we would even phone each other.
Well, then, when they Will bring me the bill, I would tell the waitresses that that man at the next table would pay for me, because theoretically he invited me. Than I would get up and go to the exit to wait for my gentleman around the next corner.
I had fun !
But i kindly refused ;))))


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